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Property Cockpit

Would you like to buy, value, or sell a property? Our free Property Cockpit provides you with comprehensive real estate services – now with a focus on energy savings and climate-friendly renovations.*

* To use the Property Cockpit, you must be a Credit Suisse client and have access to online and mobile banking.


Estimate the market value of your property and receive information on energy consumption.


Get valuable support when selling your property and learn more about price developments.


Get access to exclusive offers to buy that are not available on any other real estate platform.

property cockpit highlights

Our Property Cockpit helps you save energy

  • Estimate the energy efficiency and energy consumption of your property.
  • Get tips on reducing energy consumption.
  • Find out whether a renovation makes sense.

Access the Property Cockpit

To use the Property Cockpit, you must be a Credit Suisse client and have access to online and mobile banking.

As a client, click on "Launch Property Cockpit" below and you will be forwarded directly to the Property Cockpit after signing into online or mobile banking.

Get to know the Property Cockpit