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The world of young people across the globe. Credit Suisse Youth Barometer 2022.

While the young people surveyed two years ago were still focusing on the pandemic and sociopolitical issues, this year's results show a clear trend toward material concerns and the associated increased need for security. 

War, peace, geopolitics

War, peace, geopolitics

The year 2022 is undoubtedly strongly influenced by the reignited war in Europe, which is occupying the minds of young people around the world – but not to the same extent everywhere. While a clear majority in the USA, Brazil and Singapore say they are very or somewhat concerned about the war in Ukraine, the proportion in Switzerland is much lower at 48 percent. What impact do current geopolitical events have on the confidence of today's youth in the future? And what understanding of democracy follows from this?

Read the article on war, peace and geopolitics
The myth of meritocracy?

The myth of meritocracy?

In recent years, the darker side of the modern meritocracy has increasingly been discussed, and the hype surrounding the merit principle has been increasingly debunked. Is meritocracy really a myth? And: What do young people today think of the idea of a meritocracy? Is it still as cool as it was in 1980 or has it long since ceased to be desirable?

Read the article on meritocracy
Grunge 2.0

Grunge 2.0

It's been more than thirty years since the grunge wave rolled over from Seattle and shaped an entire generation. Grunge represented the mood of an entire generation. The ethics of grunge did not follow trends and broke with the clichés of the time. This year's Credit Suisse Youth Barometer results show that the mood of today's youth in 2022 after two years of pandemic is quite reminiscent of a kind of Grunge 2.0.

Read the article on Grunge 2.0

The Credit Suisse 2022 Youth Barometer – an internationally representative survey

What will shape the next generation, society, and the economy in the years to come – this question is of great interest to Credit Suisse. Through its Youth Barometer study, Credit Suisse aims to contribute to the public debate on sociopolitically relevant topics and to the dialogue – in particular with the younger generation. Compiled by research firm gfs.bern on behalf of Credit Suisse since 2010, the Youth Barometer is a representative survey of roughly 1,000 young people between 16 and 25 years of age in Switzerland, Brazil, the US, as well as (since 2013) Singapore. It provides insight into the lifestyles, problems, and attitudes among young people and takes account of the latest events, such as the war in Ukraine. The 2022 survey was conducted online in June and July.



Detailed Information Available as a Download

All the final reports, analyses and infographics relating to the Youth Barometer are available in the download hub. You can also study the results of previous years to help you to form a balanced view.

Media release

2022 Credit Suisse Youth Barometer: The economic situation and war are leaving their mark – increasing need for security


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