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Displaying 1- 10 of 23 Articles
  1. Volatile markets: Investing in turbulent times

    How to invest in volatile markets.

    The start of the year was characterized by high volatility on financial markets – a situation that is likely to persist for some time. That makes it all the more important to adopt the right approach to securities. Investor recommendations for a well-equipped portfolio in turbulent times.

  2. Fixed income: fixed-interest securities

    Fixed income: What is it, and why invest in it now?

    Fixed income investments can be a means of preserving capital and achieving a predictable return. Bond investments can offer consistent income streams in the form of interest payments. This appeals to investors especially in choppy economic waters. What is fixed income, and how should it be deployed in a sound investment strategy?

  3. Inflation: everything you need to know about inflation and the like

    Inflation made simple

    Investors live in fear of inflation. They are afraid of currency devaluation and uncontrollable equity markets. However, is there any justification to referring to inflation as a specter? What do terms such as inflation, deflation, and real interest rate mean? Inflation made simple.

  4. Private equity offers attractive opportunities for private investors

    Private equity: Attractive opportunities for private investors away from the stock exchange

    Private equity funds are a great way to invest in attractive companies away from the stock market using only a small amount of capital. These alternative investments play an increasingly important role in terms of stabilizing and diversifying portfolios – particularly in the current environment of high volatility and uncertainty. How does private equity work, and how can private individuals invest in it? 

  5. Alternative investments: Means to diversify a portfolio

    Alternative investments: A deep dive into the most common myths

    Persistent myths surround alternative investments. That being said, this asset category likely makes sense as a portfolio complement, especially in the current environment: both as a valuable source of returns and for portfolio diversification. A closer look at the most common myths regarding alternative investments.

  6. A good portfolio: Investing in quality and growth stocks

    Quality and growth stocks: Investing for good times and bad

    From a risk-free rate to "interest-free risk": Investors ought to be able to rely on a resilient and sound portfolio, particularly in uncertain times. A combination of quality stocks and growth stocks is a good place to start. 

  7. Sustainable investments and three myths about them

    Seizing long-term opportunities. Three myths about sustainable investments debunked.

    The issue of sustainability is omnipresent – not least of all on financial markets. Sustainable investments have long become established, and companies that align themselves with ESG standards show above-average performance in many cases. That means it is high time to expose several myths.

  8. Help reduce greenhouse gases. With sustainable funds.

    Increasing demand for sustainable funds can be explained not least by the growing awareness of ESG criteria. By investing in sustainable funds from the construction sector, for example, investors can help companies develop new technologies and therefore have a lasting impact on the reduction in global greenhouse gases.

  9. Alternative investments: Achieve a more stable portfolio

    Achieve greater portfolio stability. With alternative investments. 

    Alternative investments are a good way to round off a portfolio and spread your risks. How alternative forms of investment differ from other options and why they are an exciting way to invest.

  10. Sustainable investments give back in return. What investors should know about ESG.

    Invest for profit while doing good? Thanks to ESG and sustainable investing, you can do just that. Read why the ESG criteria are a useful tool in the investment process, and investors should look to sustainability for long-term success.