Listing Page Articles Archive 2016

Articles Archive 2016

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Displaying 1- 10 of 135 Articles
  1. Pension or lump sum: An important decision on retirement

    Drawing pension fund benefits as a pension or as a lump sum? That is the question.

    Pension fund assets are often the most significant assets that Swiss people have. Before retirement, people face the important choice of whether to draw their benefits as a pension or as a lump sum. What are the practical implications of a lump-sum withdrawal from the pension fund, and why is an individual solution always best?

  2. Planning for early retirement

    Early retirement: Can I afford to retire early?

    Many people nurture the desire to retire early. However, the financial shortfall associated with early retirement needs to be clarified beforehand. Only if you plan ahead and are aware of your likely pension from the AHV and pension fund will you know whether early retirement is possible.

  3. Maximum contributions to tied pension provision for self-employed persons

    How Much Are Self-Employed Persons Allowed to Pay into Tied Pension Provision If They Set Up Their Own Business during the Course of a Year?

    Many self-employed persons want to know how much they are allowed to pay into their private pension provision during the year in which they go into business for themselves. It is generally possible to combine two contribution options.

  4. Switzerland's 3-pillar model

    Pension savings in Switzerland. The three-pillar principle explained in simple terms.

    The Swiss pension system, also known as the three-pillar principle, consists of three pillars. . The public pension scheme (AVS), the occupational pension scheme (LPP) and the individual pension scheme (pillar 3a/b) together form the solid framework for comprehensive pension savings. Pension savings in Switzerland explained simply.

  5. Testament and Disposal of Estate.

    Estate planning. Regulations and options.

    In Switzerland, issues of inheritance are thoroughly regulated by law. The question is whether the legal regulations align with your personal expectations of who will be your heirs one day and who will receive how much and what. By taking your estate planning into your own hands, you can ensure that your personal wishes are carried out exactly as expressed. Learn more about the statutory regulations as well as the options you do have when it comes to passing on your estate.

  6. Self-Determination Instead of External Determination

    Self-Determination Instead of External Determination: The Advance Directive

    Since 2013, it has been possible for you to make advance arrangements to ensure that your financial and health requests are still fulfilled in the event of an accident or severe illness, if you are no longer able to do so yourself.

  7. Retail Outlook 2017: Swiss Retail Sector in Upheaval

    Credit Suisse Study on Prospects for the Swiss Retail Sector

  8. New option: "1e" pension plans
  9. conservatorship and investment what a conservator needs to know

    Investments for Protected Persons: What a Conservator Needs to Know

    The previous guardianship legislation was completely redrafted in 2013. At the same time, an ordinance entered into force that governs how the assets of protected persons may be invested. Roman Ziegler, a Credit Suisse expert, answers the question: What does the conservator of a protected person need to know?