Switzerland Inheritance


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Displaying 1- 10 of 12 Articles
  1. Pension provision: Debunking myths

    Myths and misconceptions about pension provision: An overview

    A lot of us tend to put off building up a retirement provision and planning for potential misfortunes – often in the belief that such measures aren't necessary when we're young. This is a myth, however; as is the assumption that marriage provides comprehensive protection – and these are by no means the only misconceptions. This article reveals the eight most common myths and explains why it pays to plan prudently and in good time.

  2. Revision of inheritance law: A new inheritance law for Switzerland

    Revision of inheritance law: More self-determination regarding your estate

    The new Swiss inheritance law entered into force on January 1, 2023. The reduction of statutory compulsory portions allows for a larger divisible portion. This gives testators more self-determination in the disposal of their estate. In this way, modern forms of cohabitation are better taken into account. Overview of the inheritance law revision.

  3. Inheritance and the compulsory portion: An explanation of succession law in Switzerland

    The compulsory portion under Swiss succession law

    The compulsory portion under Swiss succession law ensures that certain heirs cannot be deprived of a share of the estate. This treatise on Swiss succession law explains which heirs are protected with a compulsory portion and what leeway the testator has in his or her own estate planning.

  4. Bequeathing for single people

    Bequeathing without heirs: What single people need to know

    What happens if an unmarried person dies without having made any testamentary provisions? Sonja Keller found out the hard way upon the death of her partner. As a single person herself, she subsequently took the initiative and realized how much freedom she had in estate planning.

  5. Testament and Disposal of Estate.

    Estate planning. Regulations and options.

    In Switzerland, issues of inheritance are thoroughly regulated by law. The question is whether the legal regulations align with your personal expectations of who will be your heirs one day and who will receive how much and what. By taking your estate planning into your own hands, you can ensure that your personal wishes are carried out exactly as expressed. Learn more about the statutory regulations as well as the options you do have when it comes to passing on your estate.

  6. The key points of creating your personal will

    Creating your personal will. The most important points.

    A will is an essential tool for estate planning. It allows you to deviate from the legal regulations and stipulate your wishes for allocating your assets. This article will explain how to create a will, what it can include, and what requirements must be met.

  7. Inheritance in Switzerland: Planning inheritance after relocating to Switzerland

    Relocating to Switzerland: What does it mean for inheritance?

    New arrivals who would like to spend their retirement in Switzerland should prepare well in regard to their estate, since inheritance can be complicated after a relocation – especially in cases where assets or real estate are located in the country of origin or other foreign countries. Find out what you need to bear in mind so you can make watertight arrangements for your inheritance while you are still alive.

  8. Transferring home ownership. Pass on a property during your lifetime.

    Transferring home ownership to the children – what needs to be taken into account.

    Will the big family home and garden eventually become too much for you? Could your children make better use of the space? This is why many testators decide to pass on their property to their descendants during their lifetime. Three ways to transfer home ownership to your children.

  9. The right way to inherit. Preserving family value. 

    Three families, three different stories about inheriting. An aristocratic family, the son of an entrepreneur, and two company heirs talk about the challenges of their inheritances and what they are doing to pass their families' value on to the next generation.

  10. An advancement, a gift, or a loan? What you need to know.

    You have several options to provide your children with financial support. Learn about the differences between advancements, gifts, and interest-free loans, and what you need to be aware of when deciding between them. After all, you can only find the best solution for everyone if you know all the rules.