Svizzera Know-how finanziario

Know-how finanziario

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Displaying 1- 10 of 10 Articles
  1. Soluzioni abitative durante la vecchiaia – che cosa fare con la proprietà abitativa?

    Proprietà abitativa durante la vecchiaia: che cosa fare con la casa?

    Chiunque possiede una proprietà abitativa deve a un certo punto pensare a che cosa ne sarà dell'immobile durante la vecchiaia. Sorgono domande relative al comfort abitativo, ma anche di natura finanziaria. Per essere sicuri, occorre informarsi in modo esauriente sull'argomento e iniziare a pianificare per tempo quali sfide e opportunità comporterà l’età.

  2. Tipps zur Steuererklärung: einfach und effektiv Steuern sparen

    Risparmiare efficacemente sulle imposte. Con questi suggerimenti per la compilazione della dichiarazione d'imposta.

    Ogni anno i contribuenti in Svizzera sono tenuti a compilare la loro dichiarazione d'imposta. A seconda della situazione reddituale e patrimoniale individuale, può rivelarsi un compito estremamente complesso. Con questi suggerimenti per la dichiarazione d'imposta, dichiarerete in modo corretto i vostri valori reddituali e patrimoniali, risparmiando tempo e imposte.

  3. La BNS manterrà a lungo tassi d’interesse negativi

    Credit Suisse pubblica lo studio «Monitor Svizzera» per il 4° trimestre 2019

  4. Economia svizzera 2020: i timori di una recessione sono eccessivi, il consumo sostiene la crescita

    Credit Suisse pubblica lo studio «Monitor Svizzera» per il 3° trimestre 2019 e le previsioni per la congiuntura Svizzera 2020

  5. Credit Suisse continua a promuovere gli investimenti sociali e un sistema finanziario sostenibile tramite assunzioni strategiche di collaboratori senior

    Tre assunzioni senior rafforzano ulteriormente la portata e l’offerta alla clientela del dipartimento Impact Advisory and Finance

  6. Credit Suisse successfully prices its inaugural SGD-denominated Additional Tier 1 Perpetual bond

    Credit Suisse Group AG ("CSG") successfully priced SGD750 million of Additional Tier 1 Perpetual non-call 5-year Contingent Write-Down Capital Notes ("the Notes"), marking its first ever issuance in the Singapore-dollar bond market. The transaction serves to diversify CSG's AT1 issuance currency and fixed income investor base.

  7. Alert on fraudulent website

    Credit Suisse would like to alert its clients and members of the public to a fraudulent website.

  8. Credit Suisse hosts the 6th China A-shares Conference in Shenzhen

    Credit Suisse hosts the 6th China A-shares Conference in Shenzhen. Commencing today, the two-day conference presents 50 leading A-share listed companies, with a total market capitalization of over RMB 2.7 trillion (USD 410 billion), to 200 top institutional investors from the region. This annual event is dedicated to exploring developments in the China A-share market. The participating corporates represent a broad spectrum of 8 sectors, ranging from industries and consumer discretionary, to technology and healthcare.

  9. Credit Suisse appoints Yves-Alain Sommerhalder to lead the newly created Asia Pacific Trading Solutions business to drive further growth

    Credit Suisse announced today the creation of Asia Pacific Trading Solutions (ATS) to capitalize on the significant opportunity across the region and further build on the success of the International Trading Solutions (ITS) business. Yves-Alain Sommerhalder is appointed to lead the newly created ATS business, in addition to his existing role as the Co-Head of ITS.

  10. Credit Suisse hosts the 22nd Asian Investment Conference to rethink Disruption as Usual

    The Credit Suisse Asian Investment Conference (AIC) will take place in Hong Kong SAR (China) on March 25-28. This year's AIC brings together more than 3,000 attendees, including over 2,000 representatives from the global investment community to explore how investors can capture the opportunities from disruption. Over 300 companies with total market capitalization of over USD5.8 trillion will be presenting at the four-day conference. Among the private companies taking part are some of the largest unicorns and decacorns from across Asia. This year's AIC will showcase more than 150 world-leading experts from across business, finance, economics, politics, technology and the philanthropy and sustainability sectors, delivering insights in 90 sessions on the theme of 'Disruption as usual'.