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Family Office

Wealthy families and Credit Suisse

At Credit Suisse, our holistic approach to wealth structuring, wealth planning, and estate planning has been continuously evolving with each generation. Today, we put this breadth of experience to use, enabling us to address the issues of wealth and succession planning in a comprehensive way that ensures trust and communication – the two key factors in successful wealth transfer.

Turn wealth into legacy

Every family has certain values and traditions, and together we can help you ensure that those values and traditions continue for generations to come while evolving to meet the times. We have extensive knowledge and experience in both wealth and business transition, and have developed a deep understanding of solutions such as trusts and insurance based opportunities, tax efficient investments and other investment structures like offshore bonds.

Because families are complex, we encourage and enable communication and transparency. And because every family is different, we work closely with you and your advisors to develop the right plan for you and your family – one that balances your needs and those of your chosen beneficiaries.

If you're looking to pass on your family's wealth, we can help you.

With great inheritance comes great responsibility

Wealth means different things to different people, but its power to change things has always been clear. As evidenced by the outlook and attitudes of the Next Generation, living with purpose is quickly becoming a hallmark of wealth, and that belief can define the way families structure their finances.

These days there's more to investing than financial return – the Next Generation feels it has the power to use family wealth to change society in a positive way. The question is: What does wealth mean to you? The first step is to understand your priorities both individually and as a family. And that's where Credit Suisse can help.

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