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Private markets

Invest in vision. Shape the future.

Direct investments in private markets can be complex and time-consuming, with the right opportunities not always easy to find. At Credit Suisse, we put our expertise to work to connect you with tomorrow’s game-changers. 

Direct investments in private markets.

Private markets expertise

Through access to sector expertise and research, you can assess opportunities that are not publicly available.


Our personal service ensures alignment between investors and ventures.

Global connections

Our extensive network of venture founders and entrepreneurs helps you find the right opportunities across the world.

Game-changing opportunities

With a shared passion for innovation, we can introduce you to the ventures and visionaries shaping the future.

Lifting the lid on private markets

Lifting the lid on private markets

Private markets offer attractive investment opportunities in otherwise unavailable companies and can provide not only good returns but other, less tangible rewards.

Private Innovation Circle

Connect with ventures that shape the future

The annual Private Innovation Circle offers a valuable point of contact between successful entrepreneurs and private investors with an eye for innovation.

Other investment themes and research

Investing for women

Investing for women: A lifecycle approach

Credit Suisse House View

Credit Suisse House View

All investments involve some level of risk. Simply defined, risk is the possibility that you will lose money or not make money. Before you invest, please make sure you understand the risks that apply to the products. As with any investment, you could lose money over any period of time.

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