Credit Suisse Multi-Asset Futures


This Notice relates to Credit Suisse's business of the administration of indices that constitute "benchmarks" for the purposes of the Benchmark Regulation.

This Global Index Rules Supplement amends and supplements all indices existing on 25 September 2019 that are solely sponsored, created or administered by Credit Suisse International ("CSI") or Credit Suisse Securities (Europe) Limited ("CSSEL") (each such index, an "Impacted Index"). In accordance with the terms of the Global Index Rules Supplement, with effect from 26 September 2019, any Impacted Index that is solely sponsored, created or administered by CSSEL will now be solely sponsored, created or administered by CSI. Users of an Impacted Index shall read this Global Index Rules Supplement alongside the relevant rulebook for such Impacted Index.

Credit Suisse International ("CSI") administers a number of indices that it considers to be "benchmarks" within the scope of Regulation (EU) 2016/1011 on indices used as benchmarks in financial instruments and financial contracts or to measure the performance of investment funds (the "EU BMR").


CSI has grouped the benchmarks that it administers into a number of "families" for the purposes of applying certain provisions of the EU BMR. The following documents constitute the applicable Benchmark Statements under Art 27 of the EU BMR.

  1. Linear Equities Family of Benchmarks (PDF)
  2. ESG Linear Equities Family of Benchmarks (PDF)
  3. Non Linear Equities Family of Benchmarks (PDF)
  4. Fixed Income Family of Benchmarks (PDF)
  5. FX Family of Benchmarks (PDF)
  6. Commodities Family of Benchmarks (PDF)
  7. Multi Asset Family of Benchmarks (PDF)
  8. ESG Multi Asset Family of Benchmarks (PDF)
  9. Volatility Target Family of Benchmarks (PDF)
  10. ESG Volatility Target Family of Benchmarks (PDF)
  11. Actively Rebalanced Family of Benchmarks (PDF)
  12. ESG Actively Rebalanced Family of Benchmarks (PDF)

Pursuant to Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2020/1816 of 17 July 2020, the explanation on how ESG factors are reflected for each benchmark listed below.


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  1. Credit Suisse US Equity Good Governance Index_ESG Factsheet (PDF)
  2. Credit Suisse Sustainable Smart Allocation Fund Index_ESG Factsheet (PDF)
  3. Credit Suisse Sustainable Smart Allocation Fund 2 Index_ESG Factsheet (PDF)
  4. Credit Suisse Sustainable Smart Allocation Fund 2 USD Index_ESG Factsheet (PDF)
  5. Credit Suisse Global Transition Index (PDF)
  6. Credit Suisse ESG Macro 5 Index (PDF)

Benchmark Administration Changes to and Cessation of a Benchmark

The Benchmark Change, Cessation and Consultation Procedural document describes the actions to be taken by Credit Suisse International in the event of changes to or the cessation of a benchmark, including any consultation process.

Conflict of Interest Framework around Benchmark Administration

The following document provides an overview of the framework used to identify, prevent and manage potential conflicts of interest related to our activities as non-significant benchmark administrator.

Conflicts of Interest (10.1 General Terms) – Details in relation to Credit Suisse International, Credit Suisse Securities (Europe) Limited, Credit Suisse AG, London Branch, Credit Suisse AG, Dublin Branch, Credit Suisse Bank (Europe), S.A. and Credit Suisse (Deutschland) Aktiengesellschaft and conflicts of interest policy are available here:

In order to satisfy certain regulatory obligations, we are required to provide you with disclosure of any costs and associated charges relating to any investment services, ancillary services (Service) and/or financial instruments provided to you by Credit Suisse International, Credit Suisse Securities (Europe), Credit Suisse AG, London Branch, Credit Suisse AG, Dublin Branch, Credit Suisse Bank (Europe), S.A., Credit Suisse (Deutschland) AG, Credit Suisse Securities (USA) LLC, Credit Suisse AG, New York Branch, Credit Suisse Securities (India) Private Limited, Credit Suisse Finance (India) Private Limited, Credit Suisse AG Mumbai Branch, Credit Suisse AG Singapore Branch, Credit Suisse (Singapore) Limited, Credit Suisse (Hong Kong) Limited, Credit Suisse AG, Tokyo Branch, Credit Suisse Securities (Japan) Limited, Credit Suisse AG Taipei Securities Branch, Credit Suisse Securities (Europe) Limited Seoul Branch,  and Credit Suisse AG, Sydney Branch

In relation to Credit Suisse International, Credit Suisse Securities (Europe) Limited, Credit Suisse AG, London Branch, Credit Suisse AG Dublin Branch and Credit Suisse Bank (Europe), S.A. information regarding the process to be followed when handling a MiFID complaint, the complaints handling policy and contact details of the complaints management function is available here:

In relation to Credit Suisse Bank (Europe), S.A. information regarding the complaints process is available here:

In relation to Credit Suisse (Deutschland) Aktiengesellschaft information regarding the complaints process is available here:

Information regarding the process followed in relation Credit Suisse International (CSi) manufactured products is available here:


The following disclaimer relates to Credit Suisse's prices and Net Asset Values published on Market Data Networks:

Public review of the monthly statistical reports in compliance with SEC Rule 605 is available on


Public review of the monthly statistical reports in compliance with SEC Rule 606 is available on


Additional information regarding these SEC rules may be obtained from or

Information on how Credit Suisse International, Credit Suisse Securities (Europe) Limited, Credit Suisse AG, London Branch, Credit Suisse AG, Dublin Branch, Credit Suisse AG, Milan Branch, Credit Suisse (Deutschland) Aktiengesellschaft and Credit Suisse Bank (Europe), S.A. use information on people is set out here: 

Summary of Credit Suisse Securities (Europe) Limited and Credit Suisse Bank (Europe), S.A.'s policy for allocation of fixed income securities.

CSSEL, CSI and/or CS London branch [CS] may execute transactions in connection with issuance of new bond transactions with an issuer that are intended to manage risks such as interest rate or FX risks that the bond issue may create for the issuer.


Such transactions may be interest rate or cross- currency swaps to hedge the risks associated with the bond or they may be transactions in other derivative instruments executed ahead of the bond being announced that are intended to lock in reference rates ahead of a future bond issue. Risk management transactions may also be undertaken by CS to hedge risks associated with underwriting commitments and also by investors, at the point of any allocations, to hedge risks associated with an investment in a new bond.


Such risk management transactions may be executed at different times before, during and after the pricing of a new bond issue and the size and timing of such transactions may have an impact on the reference rate associated with a bond issue.


CS will have regard to the potential impact its trading may have on the reference rate and has policies and procedures that are concerned with those risks. Any trade has to have a legitimate purpose and cannot be intended to have an impact on the reference rate. Factors to consider in relation to risk management transactions that may be executed include:

  • the timing of any transaction,
  • the size of any transaction and how any execution may be structured,
  • the rationale for any transaction,
  • who information about a potential transaction is shared with.

Certain Credit Suisse entities offer trading services for Israeli clients outside of Israel stock exchanges and have applied for a permit under section 49A of the Israel Security Law which is being processed by the Israel Securities Authority (ISA). Further details including the entities and statutory disclosures are available here:
