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Displaying 1- 10 of 65 Articles
  1. Smart home – taking your home to the next level

    Smart home – taking your home to the next level

    The way we live is changing and adapting continuously to our needs. Thanks to rapid technological advancements, smart homes are now quite common. You can turn your own home into a smart home in no time at all just by following a few handy hints – even if you're on a tight budget. Find out everything you need to know about intelligent homes – from the basics to the latest innovations.

  2. Imputed rental value: Key info on the subject at a glance

    Everything about the imputed rental value and its possible abolition

    Those who live in their own homes must pay tax on what is known as the imputed rental value as part of their income. However, owners can, for example, deduct mortgage interest from their income. For several years now, there has been a debate on the abolition of the imputed rental value. Why does imputed rental value exist and what would be the consequences of its abolition?

  3. Real estate information: fees, taxes, and trends

    Everything you need to know about home ownership

    The world of real estate is a complex environment. There are many laws to comply with and fees and taxes to pay. On the other hand, exciting trends and innovations offer the opportunity of tailoring the home experience to individual needs. Find out more in the article.

  4. Construction trends for the homes of the future

    Exciting homebuilding trends

    Homeowners' needs are constantly changing, including when it comes to housebuilding. What will our homes look like in the future? What influence will technical innovations and social change have? Find out about the exciting building trends that will define the homes of the future.

  5. Living big in a small way: The tiny-house movement

    Living big in a small way: The tiny-house movement

    What's the smallest space you could live in? Six square meters? Twenty? Forty-five? The latter is the Swiss average per capita. Tiny houses prove that good things do indeed come in small packages. As the perfect size for a single person, micro-houses have potential in Switzerland.

  6. Easements: What are easements?

    All about easements. What homeowners need to know.

    Those who know what easements are have no need to shy away from challenges as a (future) homeowner. The various aspects associated with easements that homeowners need to know about can be seen in the following example with the couple Fabienne and Christian.

  7. Extending and simultaneously increasing or repaying your mortgage

    Extending your mortgage. Adjusting the financing of real estate to new needs.

    If you are extending your mortgage, the focus should be on your needs. Perhaps you would like to simultaneously increase or repay the mortgage? Find out what you should take into consideration when extending your mortgage.

  8. Applying for a mortgage: Combining your first and second mortgages

    Applying for a mortgage. How to combine your first and second mortgages.

    If you want to combine the advantages of various financing models, you can divide your mortgage into tranches. However, whether a second mortgage really makes sense depends on your personal situation and needs.

  9. Mortgage refinancing: How to transfer your mortgage.

    Mortgage refinancing. How to transfer your mortgage.

    There is a lot to consider when you want to switch banks and refinance your mortgage. Learn how to transfer your mortgage, why it is not enough to just compare mortgage interest rates, and when it pays off to refinance your mortgage despite the early repayment penalty.

  10. Promotion of home ownership: Purchasing real estate with pension capital

    Obtaining sufficient equity capital for your dream home: An overview

    Don’t let equity capital be a roadblock to the dream of home ownership: Under the promotion of home ownership scheme, you can use funds from your retirement provision to contribute enough equity capital to secure financing for your property.