dealogic-events Important Legal Information

Important Legal Information

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Instructions for Events Requestors, Hosts and Planners

The following instructions apply to all events set up and run out of the conference event application, Dealogic.

Clients and prospective client attendees based in Switzerland are required to fill out a consent form which must be registered by their Relationship Manager and filed with other client documentation.

All other client and prospective client attendees must read and agree to an Event Disclaimer.

If your event will have a sports or risky activity, a special disclaimer may be required. Please check with your local Legal and Compliance department.

These forms are specific to the country where the event will take place and the Credit Suisse business entity hosting the event. To find the appropriate set for your event, please choose from the list below.

Consent Forms and Disclaimers

For futher information on country-specific requirements, please click on the link under Questions and Contacts above to contact your local Cross Border Manager.