en Important Legal Information

Important Legal Information

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This material has been prepared by individual sales and/or trading personnel of Credit Suisse AG or its subsidiaries or affiliates (collectively "Credit Suisse") and not by Credit Suisse's research department. It is not investment research or a research recommendation for the purposes of the rules of the Financial Conduct Authority in the United Kingdom as it does not constitute substantive research. All Credit Suisse research recommendations can be accessed through Research and Analytics subject to the use of approved login arrangements. This material is provided for information purposes, is intended for your use only and does not constitute an invitation or offer to subscribe for or purchase any of the products or services mentioned. Any pricing information provided is indicative only and does not represent a level at which an actual trade could be executed. The information provided is not intended to provide a sufficient basis on which to make an investment decision. Credit Suisse may trade as principal or have proprietary positions in securities or other financial instruments that are the subject of this material. It is intended only to provide observations and views of the said individual sales and/or trading personnel, which may be different from, or inconsistent with, the observations and views of Credit Suisse analysts or other Credit Suisse sales and/or trading personnel, or the proprietary positions of Credit Suisse. Observations and views of the salesperson or trader may change at any time without notice. Information and opinions presented in this material have been obtained or derived from sources believed by Credit Suisse to be reliable, but Credit Suisse makes no representation as to their accuracy or completeness. Credit Suisse accepts no liability for loss arising from the use of this material. Nothing in this material constitutes investment, legal, accounting or tax advice, or a representation that any investment or strategy is suitable or appropriate to your individual circumstances. Any discussions of past performance should not be taken as an indication of future results, and no representation, expressed or implied, is made regarding future results. Trade report information is preliminary and subject to our formal written confirmation.

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For your protection, please do not include account numbers, Social Security numbers, credit card numbers, passwords, or other non-public personal information in any e-mail messages you send to Credit Suisse. For more information regarding how we protect your non-public personal information, please refer to our Privacy Notice.

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Additional Information and Disclosure

The Private Banking USA business in CSSU is a regulated broker dealer and investment adviser. It is not a chartered bank, trust company or depository institution. It is not authorized to accept deposits or provide corporate trust services and it is not licensed or regulated by any state or federal banking authority.

As provided for in Treasury regulations, advice (if any) relating to federal taxes that is contained in this communication (including attachments) is not intended or written to be used, and cannot be used, for the purpose of (1) avoiding penalties under the Internal Revenue Code or (2) Promoting, marketing or recommending to another party any plan or arrangement addressed herein.

Electronic Communications

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