Test your knowledge!

Icon with star
Level: Master
Icon with a light bulb
Level: Professional
Icon with a crown
Level: Expert

1/15What appears on the Italian one euro coin?


Sorry, that was wrong. Give it another go.

If you're not sure, you can watch the video again.

Awesome! You got the first question right.

1/15Which side of the euro coins can countries design themselves?


Oh, that's wrong. No problem, give it another go!

If you're not sure, you can watch the video again.

Yes, great! That's right.

1/15Do euro notes also have different designs in all countries?


Oh, that was wrong. Give it another go.

If you're not sure, you can watch the video again. That's where you'll find the answer.

Very good. That's right.


Wow, you've completed the first level. Well done!

Icon with Digipigi on winner's podium with trophy

Certificate for the euro expert

Awesome! You aced the quiz.

Take your expert certificate along to any Credit Suisse branch for a surprise gift from Viva Kids World (while stocks last). You've earned it!

1/15In how many countries do people pay in euros?


Oh, that was wrong. Give it another go.

If you're not sure, have another close look at the map.

Right, that's amazing!

1/15What did people pay with in Germany before the euro was introduced?


Sorry, that's wrong. No problem, give it another go!

If you're not sure, look for the red exclamation marks.

Good job, that's right!

1/15Who is responsible for the euro?


Unfortunately, that's incorrect. Never mind, give it another go!

If you're not sure, look for the red exclamation marks.

Let's go to the next level!


Good job. You're a real pro now!

Icon with Digipigi on winner's podium with trophy

Certificate for the euro expert

Awesome! You aced the quiz.

Take your expert certificate along to any Credit Suisse branch for a surprise gift from Viva Kids World (while stocks last). You've earned it!

1/15What are the countries called where people can pay in euros?


Oh, that was wrong. Give it another go.

If you are not sure, look for the big euro symbol.

Right, that's amazing!

1/15Are there also countries in the European Union where people don't pay in euros?


Sorry, that's incorrect. You'll definitely get it right next time.

If you're not sure, look for Ben, who is dressed up.

Great, that's right!

1/15Euros are not valid in Switzerland. So, why are there euros in ATMs?


Hmm, that’s not quite right. Have another try!

If you're not sure, have another look at the pictures for `Why don't people pay in euros in Switzerland?`



Congratulations! You answered all the questions correctly!

Icon with Digipigi on winner's podium with trophy

Certificate for the euro expert

Awesome! You aced the quiz.

Take your expert certificate along to any Credit Suisse branch for a surprise gift from Viva Kids World (while stocks last). You've earned it!