Changing money into another currency

If you go to a country that uses a different currency, you can change your money into the currency you need at the current exchange rate. How does it work?

  • hotspot Changing money
    Changing money

    If you want to change your money into another currency, you can go to a bank or an exchange office. Exchange offices can be found at train stations, airports, and in tourist spots, and will change your money into the most commonly used currencies in return for a fee. You can also change cash into the foreign currency you need at a bank. In addition, ATMs abroad also dispense the currency used in the country you're in. The amount is then deducted from your account at home.

  • hotspot Exchange rate
    Exchange rate

    The exchange rate is the price of a currency. It determines how much you get when you change one currency into another. For instance, it tells you how many euros you get for one Swiss franc, or how many US dollars or Japanese yen you get for one Swiss franc.

  • hotspot Fluctuating exchange rate
    Fluctuating exchange rate

    The number of yen you get for one Swiss franc can constantly change. For example, maybe you got 110 yen for one Swiss franc yesterday and 110.50 yen for one Swiss franc today. Tomorrow, you might only get 109 yen. The exchange rate is not fixed. Instead, it can change at any time.
