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New research from Credit Suisse and London Business School in the Credit Suisse Global Investment Returns Yearbook 2012

The Credit Suisse Global Investment Returns Yearbook and Sourcebook is produced by the Credit Suisse Research Institute in collaboration with London Business School authors Elroy Dimson, Paul Marsh and Mike Staunton. The 2012 Yearbook investigates how to protect against inflation and deflation, and how currency exposure should be steered. The chief findings are that bonds do well in deflation and benefit from currency hedging, and equities are not a perfect inflation hedge, but benefit from international diversification. Risk appetite, which conceptually draws these safety and risky assets together, is now rebounding. The accompanying Sourcebook provides a full update on investment performance since 1900 in all the main asset categories, and on risk and style premiums in global markets. Both books are published today.