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Marriage and baby. Financial planning for young professionals.

Marriage and baby. Financial planning for young professionals.

How does marriage and children affect your finances? Find out, plan accordingly, and secure your loved ones’ future.

Start a Family

Children fill your life with wonder. But they’re also a big financial responsibility that you need to prepare for, especially when you're just starting your career. We’ll advise and assist you in financially planning for this stage in life.

Start a Family
Provide for Your Family

Provide for Your Family

No one’s life can be planned from A to Z, and sometimes the unforeseen happens. Take precautions in case you can no longer provide for your family or partner as you would like. We’ll help you plan your finances so your loved ones will be taken care of, no matter what happens.

Cohabitation or Marriage

Cohabitation or Marriage?

Marriage or cohabitation? It’s not just a personal preference. It affects your financial situation, too. For example, cohabiting partners file tax returns individually. Also, the law doesn’t cover inherited property or alimony claims following separation. If you’re not married, it may be wise to consider drawing up a written contract with your partner.

Pay for Your Child’s Education

Pay for Your Child’s Education

One day, your children will grow up and want to attend college or a vocational training program. We’ll explain how you can help your children enter the profession of their choice.

Plan Your Estate

With an inheritance plan, you can rest easy knowing your estate will be administered the way you want. Contact us to clear up unanswered questions.

Will & inheritance contract

We'll help you ensure that your estate's disposition complies with legal requirements and reflects your wishes.

 Lifetime gifts

You want to make specific gifts from your estate before you pass away. We’ll show you how.

Marriage contract

Marital property regimes can play a significant role for married couples. You and your spouse can define your rights in a marriage contract.

Division of estate

When you die, all your assets and liabilities pass to your heirs by law. Careful estate planning ensures that your estate is distributed according to your wishes.

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