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Update to iOS app brings exciting innovations


App updates are often installed in the background, or – as if by magic – overnight, with users barely noticing. However, May's update has a lot to offer iOS users: Our internal developers have improved the user experience as well as made changes "under the hood." An upgraded Android version will follow in the next few weeks.

Same level of security level – speedier process 

This newly released version of the app has been planned for some time. Incorporating extensive user feedback, the changes primarily concern login performance, loading speed in the accounts overview, as well as new, easy-to-understand navigation items. 

Though it may seem a little odd, our app is actually more secure when you install two apps: Users will therefore need to install the SecureSign app alongside the banking app on their device, as in the past. The SecureSign app is normally used to scan the QR code in online banking on desktops or notebooks. But thanks to technological developments, this step too has been made easier: Although the second app still opens in the background when logging in, this goes unnoticed on the end-user device; in addition, it no longer requires you to press a button. Removing this step reduces the time it takes to log in – though without compromising on security. 

The new account overview ("home screen" after login) also saves time. This component loads much more quickly in the new version, and received very positive feedback from test users. Account balances can still be hidden if desired – a popular feature when the app is being used in public. 


Better navigation

Improvements have also been made in the navigation, which now comes with an easy-to-use search function. These elements are more recognizable thanks to the use of icons, while the visual appearance of the submenus has been enhanced. A search field right at the top now allows direct access to the various functions. 

Many other elements have been given a refresh, including the card overview and payment menu with direct access via the footer. Other new features have also been added, including third-pillar Mixta trading and access through foreign app stores for international clients. 


Next update for Android too

The Android version will be upgraded to the same standard in a few weeks. The iOS version will also be updated again in parallel: When payment slips with a QR code are gradually rolled out from the middle of the year, our mobile apps on both platforms will be ready. 



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