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My Choice Mandate


A MyChoice Mandate puts you in the driver’s seat of managing your wealth. In Credit Suisse Direct, our Online & Mobile Banking service you are able to choose and – if required - change your individual investment strategy. We select the securities, manage the risk and ensure your investment strategy stays on course.

Your Choice. Our Services

You want the flexibility to choose your investment strategy and change it when you see fit. In Credit Suisse Direct you will find the tools to make it happen. Our investment experts ensure you stay on course.

  • Support and interaction

  • Monitoring and reporting

  • Ideas and services

  • Online Services

  • Pricing and transparency

Hand Over Responsibility. Gain freedom

Hand Over Responsibility. Gain freedom

Leave the difficult decisions to us and relax knowing our experts will analyze the financial markets for you, respond to investment opportunities and professionally manage your assets. Around the clock. Our independent risk managers will keep your portfolio aligned with your investment strategy. 

Learn about the Risks

Our investment experts will seize market opportunities on your behalf. That makes it important for you to fully understand the risks. We’ll explain them to you.

3 Steps to Your Investment

With a MyChoice mandate you can steer your portfolio’s investment strategy to best reach your financial goals. Put our investment professionals and structured investment process work for you.


Select a suitable product

Take a moment to consider what you expect from an investment. Then, based on your responses, select an investment solution that might work for you.


Contact us

Schedule a consultation online or call us at 0844 844 007*. Our advisors will contact you as soon as possible.


Find a professional investment strategy

Sit down with one of our advisors to determine what you demand from your investments and what strategy will be the most profitable for you.

*Telephone calls may be recorded.