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Investing in Funds

Investing in Funds

Benefit from diversification. Investment funds are investments you share with other investors. They let you diversify your portfolio. You decide how much capital to invest. Funds generally carry less risk than shares since they contain several assets.

Over 10,000 funds

Funds are financial products set up by investment companies and offered for sale in the capital market. Credit Suisse analysts assess over 10,000 investment funds from various providers and provide you with a selection of the best ones.

How funds work

When you buy a share, you become one of the owners of the fund. The fund company invests the investors’ money in one or more asset classes based on specific principles. These asset classes could be real estate, equities, fixed-income securities, foreign currency or even commodities.

Anchor: comparison
Learn the basics of hedge funds

Learn the basics of hedge funds, what they contain and how to invest in them.

Funds: A Comparison

There are three kinds of funds. Actively managed funds and wealth management funds offer a large range of options. Passively managed funds are cost-effective, but not necessarily better than their active counterparts. Our analysts will compare solutions and recommend the best one for you.

  • Actively managed funds

  • Passively managed funds

  • Wealth management funds

Schedule a Consultation

We look forward to advising you one-on-one. For questions and appointments, you can reach us during normal business hours at this number:

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Attractive investment option for private clients

You’re looking for a way to steadily build your wealth. As safely as possible. Funds could be the right investment for you. They give you the opportunity to earn an attractive fund yield. They’re much safer than shares because they invest in several different securities at the same time.

How investment funds are structured

Funds consist of different securities: shares, bonds or money market securities. There’s a fund for almost every need in Switzerland. At Credit Suisse, you can choose among a large assortment of our own funds as well as third-party products.

Withdraw money regularly

Would you like to regularly withdraw a portion of your savings? You can, with an investment fund income plan. Your remaining capital will stay invested, letting you benefit from attractive fund yields while enjoying regular payments.

Anchor: risks

Learn about the Risks

Funds generally entail much less risk than individual securities. However, they do pose risks that you should be realistic about when making a choice.

  • Market risk

  • Foreign exchange risk

  • Low influence

  • Counterparty risk

Schedule a Consultation

We look forward to advising you one-on-one. For questions and appointments, you can reach us during normal business hours at this number:

Schedule a Consultation

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