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Cookies and Tracking Policy

We collect information when you use this website or apply for services. Our policy on what we collect and how we use the data.

Last update: October 2022

Credit Suisse Group AG and all its affiliates ("Credit Suisse", "we" or "us") understand that you entrust us with personal information, and we take seriously our data privacy obligations. We strive to make you feel comfortable with the measures we take to protect and safeguard your personal information. This Cookies and Tracking Policy ("Policy") describes in detail how we handle information that we collect through our various digital channels such as our website and mobile applications. For example for a website by clicking "I agree" to the popup describing our website tracking tools, or by clicking "accept" on the mobile applications when you first access either our website or our mobile applications you agree to our use of your information as described in this Policy and in accordance with the particular privacy settings you selected.

This Policy may be updated at any time. Please ensure that you regularly read the latest version of this page.

Table of contents

  • Information we collect

  • Who can access the information we collect

  • Security of data transfers

  • Protection, processing and use of personal data

  • How does Credit Suisse treat electronic messages

  • Credit Suisse websites and mobile applications functionality and tracking tools

  • Use of tracking technologies for U.S. users

  • Mechanisms to control the use of tracking technologies

  • Newsletters and Marketing-E-Mails

  • Links

Credit Suisse tracking technologies

This table lists each tracking technology we use on our websites and/or mobile applications and the vendor and purpose of each.

Thank you for using our website and/or mobile application!