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Asian Investment Conference 2023

Volker Köster

Head of Global Investment Management, Asia Pacific, Investment Solutions & Sustainability, Credit Suisse

Volker Köster

Volker Köster joined Credit Suisse in 2010 and is currently head of Global Investment Management in Asia Pacific. In this role he is responsible for the discretionary mandate business in the APAC region.

Before relocating to Singapore in November 2019, Mr. Köster was head of IS&S Platinum Mandates in Zurich and was responsible for the management of global discretionary mandates for the UHNW client segment.

Mr. Köster started his career in 1994 as a financial analyst for Equities at Credit Suisse Group, based in Zurich. Since then he has held various positions at different Asset Management companies in Switzerland and Germany.

Prior to rejoining Credit Suisse, he worked for eight years at UBS Switzerland in the Asset Management and Wealth Management division. He held the positions of head of Equity Portfolio Management followed by the position of head of Mandate Management. In this role, he was responsible for servicing the UHNWI client segment as well as the non-discretionary mandate business.

Mr. Köster holds a Master’s degree in Economics from the University of Constance and is a Certified European Financial Analyst (CEFA).