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Asian Investment Conference 2023

Minh Le

Founder and CEO, VNG

Hong Minh Le

Hong Minh Le is Founder and CEO of VNG. He has a background in Economics and received his Bachelor's degree in Banking and Finance at Monash University in Melbourne, Australia. He worked at prestigious companies such as PwC and VinaCapital before founding VNG in 2004.

Under his leadership and strategic vision, VNG has grown from a game publishing start-up to a leading technology corporation in Vietnam, one that operates a diverse business ecosystem including online games, connecting platforms, finance & payment, and cloud services. VNG is ranked among the top 20 Growth Companies in East Asia by the World Economic Forum. In 2018, VNG became the leading game publisher in Southeast Asia.

Mr. Le is also a renowned speaker in the technology industry and start-up sector. He has spoken at global conferences such as the World Economic Forum and the M&A Vietnam Forum.

Mr. Le was recognized among Vietnam’s Top 10 most influential tech industry leaders from 2007 to 2017. He also received a certificate of merit from Vietnam's Prime Minister in 2014.