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Asian Investment Conference 2023

Hiromichi Shirakawa

Former Chief Japan Economist, Credit Suisse; former Economist, Bank of Japan

Hiromichi Shirakawa

Hiromichi Shirakawa started his professional career at the Bank of Japan where he was in charge of foreign exchange market intervention, international policy coordination, money market operations and capital market analysis. He was a special assistant to the governor in 1997-1998 when the country was in the middle of a banking crisis. From 1991 to 1994, Mr. Shirakawa was a senior economist at the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), based in Paris. He was in charge of holding monetary policy meetings at the Financial Market Department of the Bank of Japan when Kazuo Ueda, the current Governor nominee, was a board member of the Bank. Mr. Shirakawa also served as a member of the special task force in the Cabinet Office on analysing the global financial crisis back in 2010, the chair of which was Kazuo Ueda.

Mr. Shirakawa joined Credit Suisse Securities (Japan) Limited in 2006 as Head of Japan Economics, leading his team to receiving a variety of awards on Japan economics before retiring from Credit Suisse at the end 2022. He now works for an international environmental NGO as Japan Region Chief.

He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Economics and a Ph.D. degree in Policy Studies. He studied Finance at the Graduate School of University of Washington in Seattle.