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Asian Investment Conference 2023

Emma Crystal

Chief Sustainability Officer, Credit Suisse

Emma Crystal

Emma Crystal is the Chief Sustainability Officer (CSO) of Credit Suisse.

Emma’s responsibilities include setting the sustainability strategy and ambition for the bank and partnering with the divisions, regions and functions, to deliver on our sustainability commitments, including expanding the wealth management product shelf, investment banking financing offering and net zero deliverables. Emma is an executive sponsor of the bank's LGBT & Ally network in Switzerland.

Previously, Emma led the Wealth Management business for Northern & Western Europe and the Sustainable Client Solutions unit, which established the integrated delivery of sustainability services for wealth management clients.

Since joining Credit Suisse in 2013, Emma has held a number of senior leadership positions in Wealth Management focusing on European clients. Prior to that, she also covered Family Offices for the UK and Nordic markets. Before joining Credit Suisse, Emma worked in Global Markets at Deutsche Bank for 10 years.

Emma graduated from Stockholm School of Economics, Sweden, with a master’s degree in Economics and Business.