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Asian Investment Conference 2023

Dylan Zhou

Head of Strategic Investment and Financing, Xingyun

Dylan Zhou

Mr. Zhou is currently Head of Strategic Financing and Investing of Xingyun Group, where he is responsible for the Group's strategic planning, investment, and financing initiatives. Xingyun Group is the world's leading digital supply chain service platform for consumer goods, creating digital infrastructure that connects global brands and distribution channels. It has three key business lines: cross-border import business, Chinese brands export business, and overseas business.

Mr. Zhou has five years of financial investment experience. Previously serving as vice president of 5Y Capital and senior investment manager of Matrix Partners China, he mainly focused on investment opportunities in consumer retail, supply chain, e-commerce, and trading platforms. He led the investments in 14 early-stage companies with 27 follow-on financing; and invested USD129mm in total, with a return of 3.28x and 5-year IRR of 28%.

Previously, Mr. Zhou was an early team member of Meituan Strategic Investment responsible for the new retail and supply chain business. He also led a strategic external investment. Furthermore, he participated in the early-stage establishment of Meituan Food Delivery and was responsible for the management and operation of regional key customers.