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Asian Investment Conference 2023

Angus Muirhead

Head of Equities, Credit Suisse Asset Management

Angus Muirhead

Angus Muirhead is Managing Director, Head of Equities and Lead Portfolio Manager of the Credit Suisse (Lux) Robotics Equity strategy at Credit Suisse Asset Management.

Mr Muirhead has been investing in technology for over 25 years, starting in 1997 as a buy-side equity analyst at Phillips & Drew Fund Management in London. In 2000, he moved to Tokyo to focus on Japanese technology and healthcare, before moving to Zurich in 2007 as a Portfolio Manager specialising in global technology-related thematic funds. He joined the Credit Suisse Thematic Equity investment team in 2016.

Mr Muirhead holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Modern Japanese Language and Business Studies from Durham University, including a year of study at Kumamoto University, Japan. He has been a CFA Charterholder since 2001, and is a member of the Evaluation Board at the Wyss Foundation.